Fox & Wit Exclusive: Dark Night Golden Dawn, Beneath the Alabaster Spire and Awaken the Fifth Order by Allison Carr Waechter

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About the book Dark Night Golden Dawn:

In a city where the elite are powerful as gods, the season is about to begin. The Immortal Orders will gather, pair, and create a spectacle for all of Nuva Troi to witness.

Harlow Krane is a sorciere who wants nothing more than to recover from her most recent breakup in peace. When the season begins, her Order needs her help to save their ancestral district from being taken over by the Illuminated, the most powerful immortals in Nuva Troi. They offer to back off—if Harlow agrees to pair with their most eligible bachelor, Finn McKay.

Finn McKay is one of the Illuminated. Rich, powerful, and he isn't afraid of anyone—except for his parents. When they push him towards Harlow Krane, he knows their purposes are sinister at best. As the season begins, it's clear something is dangerously wrong but besides Finn, only Harlow seems to notice.

With magic behaving strangely, the balance of power between the Immortal Orders and humans grows deadlier by the day. Harlow and Finn must work together to keep ancient grudges from resurfacing and take back their lives in the process.

About the book Beneath the Alabaster Spire:

Beware what lies beneath the Alabaster Spire…

Harlow Krane and Finn McKay have been trying their best to enjoy their seaside summer in Nea Sterlis. As they fall deeper in love, surrounded by their friends and family, that should be easy.

But as the summer begins to wind down, it’s clear that the problems they left behind in Nuva Troi have followed them to the beach. Between the paparazzi and the elder Illuminated, someone is always watching Harlow and Finn—recording their every move. As a storm of rebellion brews in far-off Falcyra, new secrets about the Illuminated are revealed.

With tensions mounting, Harlow and Finn must become the storm to survive what’s coming for them. Their love will be tested beyond their wildest imagination. Just how far will they go to save one another?

About the book Awaken the Fifth Order: 

It all ends in Nuva Troi.

Harlow Krane and Finn McKay have been through a lot. They never expected to have the chance to be together again, let alone the myriad ways they might be torn apart. To save everything they hold dear, they'll have to trust each other—and themselves—more than either thought possible.

With the threat of war on the horizon, Awaken the Fifth Order is a battle against overwhelming odds. Can Harlow and Finn reunite in time to save their relationship and Okairos?